Thursday, June 30, 2005

Day Two

This is strange. I will tell you why.
Last time we saw each other, we were in fifth grade. Students from our elementary school used to be able to go to a pretty good junior high school. But right before we were about to be upgraded to junior high, they changed the system and we would be sent to a different junior high school if we had stayed with them. Lots of students transferred to other schools upon hearing this news. He was one of them. (He seemed a little hurt that I didn't remember the exact year he transferred. I thought it was 6th grade.)

I know him a little better than other boys in elementary school because we used to participate in writing competitions together. At the competition, we would go into this room with 20 other people, then we were handed a piece of paper with the topic of the essay and rules on it. Then we would start writing away for about an hour or so. Now that I think about it, writing under time pressure wasn't really a good practice for students at that age. As a side affect, I talked fast and unclearly since my brain was used to be forced to get things out quickly.

15 Years later, this Monday, we decided to meet under the big statue in the city center square. He was a little skeptical about my ability to find the place. I didn't blame him because when my co-worker asked me how I could recognize him. I answered, "Can’t be too hard. He is short and chubby." The coworker looked at me wide eyed.

Of course he is not short and chubby anymore. (and I didn't have problems getting around, either.) But I was able to pick him out from the crowd in the park from far away. Same as he was in elementary school he carried himself in a way that's far more mature and elegant than guys his age. Also, he is THE only Asian guy in the park.

When we met, we spoke as if we had been speaking to each other frequently during the years, as if we never parted our ways.
I was glad he didn't ask me any of the generic questions people usually asked at a reunion like this. After losing contact for
15 years, we were quite comfortable at each other's company....well. I knew at least I was comfortable.

Considering the circumstances, trying to get over a jetlag in this 87 degrees and 100% humidity weather, I actually ate a lot and laughed even more. I had a good time(89%). we spent quite a long time trying to figure out what to order at a cheesy Chinese restaurant coz neither of us is good at making decisions and neither of us know the other person's likes and dislikes and neither of us wants to dictate the ordering process.

After I got into the cab at the end of the night, he had a serious look on his face and then he told me that he had just memorized the license plate number of the cab. In case I go missing, that is.:D:D

On the way back, I pictured myself kidnapped and thrown into the trunk of this cab. Then I pictured him go to the police station and gave them the license plate number and a sketch of my face. (He used to be good at drawing. I hoped he still was and could put together a somewhat accurate sketch of me.) After looking up the information, I pictured the police officer wore a grief look on his face, the kind anchor person wore when some one important died, and told him it was too late and... And then I pictured him walked back home and called my boyfriend in LA and told him about my last dinner event.....

I guess I smiled when I imagined my tragic death because the cab driver turned and asked me,” You like Stuttgart, lady?"

Lady? Did he call me lady?

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