Friday, July 01, 2005

Day 3, Day 4

Day 3
Today is, for lack of better words, strange.
When I called my boyfriend, he sounded like he was on the edge of breaking down.
I asked him what's wrong.
He seemed utterly surprised at my question.
"How can you tell there is something going on in my mind?” he said.

Can’t he hear his own voice? I wonder.

Because of the strange phone call at the end of the day, I forgot most of the things that happened today.
They will slowly come back to me when I go over the pictures later on.

Day 4
One of my two coworkers that were here with me flew back to LA this morning. The other went to work early. Since I walked to the office by myself, I had my camera in my hand hoping that I could see a SMART on the road and take a picture of it. While I was walking, a GIGANTIC Mercedes’ truck pulled over and stopped next to me. The driver looked at me, smiled over-dramatically and gestured to spit into his hands first, then used them to pull back his hair, and arranged his eye brows. I was shocked first by the size of the truck, then by his gestures. I didn't know what to do. After a brief hesitation, I waved at him. He pretended to look a little upset then he pointed to my camera and did a air camera pose. That’s when I realized what he was trying to do so I gladly took this picture. He drove off satisfied afterwards. So rare to see a German this animated.

I also saw this sign on the way to work. I don't know the words. But anything that involves sizes of condoms is destined to be funny. So I took this picture and ask a coworker for translation.
As it turned out, these words meant"For dreamers, realistic and show offs. "
At the bottom is another line of text. I asked him to read that to me.
"You should get one." he said.
"I should get one?"
"Ohoh...” I interrupted, "You mean you should get one.” I pointed at him.
"That’s what it says." he answered while his face was turning red in embarrassment.

I took pleasure in embarrassing nice people including....especially the ones that are nice enough to help me.
No wonder the boy friend said he needed to subscribe nice pills for me.


Camela said...

Any more new blogs? I miss reading them.

Feizi said...

sorry~~:< been too busy since I came back.