Friday, December 16, 2005

50 Steps Laughed at 100 Steps:五十步笑百步

One of the challenges I face with English is that I can't cite useful short phrases that are only known to Chinese people.

These short phases usually have stories behind them. They are express ways to get an idea conveyed without having to give long extensive back stories.

Therefore, I am thinking about making a handbook for foreigners to understand them.
Say, if you want to effectively converse with me, read this handbook of popular citations and wisdom phases first. This way, when I cite them, you will know what I am talking about. We can call this Chinglish. English with Chinese citations. You go half way, I go half way. It's only fair.

Entry Number One: 50 Steps Laughed at 100 Steps.

At this ancient battle field, one side is getting defeated. Some soldiers dropped the swords and shields and started to run away even though the general told everyone to hold the line. Some of them run 50 steps and then stopped. Other run 100 steps then stopped. At the end of the battle, the soldiers that run 50 steps laughed at the soldiers that run 100 steps and said, " You guys are such cowards!! ha ha ha!"

This is called "50 Steps Laughed at 100 Steps."

The moral of the story is: Don't ever join the military!


Camela said...

I need to learn some of these CHinglish too. I love these! Do you have more?

Feizi said...

ok... first entry is well one person!!

I will add more as they come up.

Unknown said...

Amen! i enjoyed your blog, feizi,i'm into promoting peace. thanks for paying me a visit, you're always welcomed here.
