Wednesday, June 01, 2005

He once called a draw at a chess game to rescue my hurt ego.

It is only 5 o'clock but I have been dying to go home for the past 30 minutes.
(my official release time is 7pm.)
it has been gloomy all day today. I just came back from a five day trip in the redwoods. I am going through vacation rehab right now. this weather is not helping! it is the kinda weather that seems like it is gonna rain at any time but it never did rain. it is the same feeling you have the couple days before your period. you know it may come at any time but you don't know exactly when so you go through all the trouble to avoid swimming, light colorerd pants, skirts only to find out at the end of the day that today is not the day.

Today my normal lunch group ditched me. They disappeared right after the employee meeting that went 30 minutes over time. I ended up going home to eat alone. after stuffing myself with a gigantic beef sandwich, my legs automatically dragged me to the couch. gosh i never realized how comfy the couch is. it wraped around me like a generous lover. Massaging muscles on my back, neck and legs as I rotated softly. after 10 minutes of doing nothing but staring blankly at the window and appreciating the couch beneath me, I became aware of a hard object pressing into my arm. it turned out to be a corner of a hard cover book buried in the cushions. and a piece of paper fell right out of it and onto my face as i opened it. and this tiny piece of paper is filled lines of disjointed sentences in my horrible handwriting:

"one more day and i will set out to big basin for my camping trip. Well, it is not really camping coz we are staying in a cabin. but still i am excited. not because wow, no more work for 5 days or wow, finally get to get out of the city and become one with nature. i am excited coz i get to go with this boy. the boy that may be the sweetest guy to ever drive a blue truck. "

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