Friday, April 29, 2005

Shall I Feel Sorry For Her?

First of all, men are pigs.
I am sorry, let me rephrase it. Most men are pigs. OK, this sounds a lot more rational now.

There is this cute girl at my friend's work. What she does is, may I say, quite simple and brainless. All that is required is to be able to read and write.
But she somehow managed to mess it up. My friend was quite upset at her because she made what was supposed to be extremely sensitive and confidential public.
But this male co-worker went around the office and told people that this girl was having a bad day because today was her, I don't know, 29th, or 28th birthday. But her husband isn't doing anything for her so she is feeling "down".

Hearing this made my friend turn from upset to quite furious at this girl and... at men.

First of all, We should all try not to let our personal lives affect our professional lives. Everyone goes through rough times. Take a day off if you are not in the condition to perform your job functions.
Having a bad day does not justify the critial error she made which directly affected her colleagues's, my friend's, work and reputation.

Secondly, it is extremely unprofessional of her and this male worker to talk about her personal life at work, not to mention using it as an excuse to slack off and make people feel sympathetic towards her when she made mistakes.

Lastly, imagine if she was a guy. Hehe~~ Imagine my friend telling a male coworker that "oh this poor guy screwed up badly because he is having a bad day. Today is his 29th birthday and his wife is not doing anything for him. That's why he is feeling sad and that's why he accidentally put your credit card number and your social security number on the Internet. But please do find it in your heart to forgive him because he IS having a .. bad.. day...after all." Imagine that!
Hehe~Talking about double standards!

The worst part is this whole thing almost made my friend look like a bad person for criticizing the "poor" birthday girl.

Oh by the way, there is no "my friend". It is all me. I am the insensitive girl in this story. and just FYI, I don't fucking care if today is her fucking birthday nor do I care if her husband is not doing anything for her. This is her 29th or something like it birthday after all. Do fucking grow up.

Did I mention, most men are pigs?


Feizi said...

well, because I think most guys lose their sensible judgement when it comes to cute girls.

OpinionatedSOBinTN said...

It would be interesting to know your age. From the tone of your writings and your attitude toward this particular person, I think you're way younger than 28.

Because of this presumption I will withhold my initial opinion of you being an intolerant bitch and merely write it off as someone immature and still wet behind the ears.

If you think that someones presonal life doesn't affect everything they do in the course of a day, be it a constant smile from a morning romp in the hay or an argument with the kids on the way out the door, then you haven't had a personal life at all. Get one then complain about someone elses.

Feizi said...

Everyone is allowed to have a bad day. All I am trying to say is that 1. when you made a critical error like this, you can't use "having a bad day" as an excuse. That's extremely unprofessional. 2. If you are having a bad day and don't think you can handle your job. Just go home. That's all. I wrote this right after this happened. Now I am no longer upset at her. But my opinion still stands.