Friday, April 29, 2005

"As long as you like him,

I will like him, too."

My dad once stopped talking to me for 6 month because he didn't like the boy I liked.
If he picked up the phone when I called, he would tell me to hold on and hand it to my mom right away.
This was years ago. I am still a little hurt now whenever I think about it. I am his only daughter after all. and it is not like I was marrying that boy.

My mom didn't like my boyfriend either. Everytime I called her, she would try to convince me to leave him and find someone "normal". and she would went on and explain why the boy I liked at that time was not "normal".

My grandfather like to make this list of qualities he would like to have in my future boyfriend. I never finish listening to his list or reading it if he emails me. He totally forgot that this was my life.

Years have gone by. I start to realize that I will not find someone that's acceptable for my family. They have a totally different idea of what "a normal person" is than me.
I can't change them nor can they change me.

My grandma never said anything about what kinda boy she likes. One time, I called and she was the only one home. I for the first time in a long time get to have a peaceful conversation with her without having other people interrupting her from other lines. (She can't hear very well so my mom or grandfaterh likes to speak for her.)
That's when I asked her what kind of boy she would like to have as my boyfriend.
That's when she said, "As long as you like him, I will like him, too."
"Really?" It almost brought me to tears.
"Even though he has long hair, or is in a band instead of having a real job or is a foreigner or is way older than me?"

"Yeah. As long as you like him."

Silence on my end of the line because if I talk, she will hear my voice breaking up.


K. said...

Family always puts their two cents in when it comes to things of this nature. They really just want what is best for you so they believe they are doing you a favor when they disagree with your love-life choices. I have been on both ends of this spectrum, so I can understand the views of all involved.

Feizi said...

It's just that some of my parents' comments are very harsh, direct, and totally irrational. People take is pretty hard when they are told they have bad taste in style. Image being told by your parents that you have bad taste in men. hehe~~