Sunday, November 26, 2006

Happy Thoughts! : )

Finally~~~ the days of categories/labels arrived!!
Moving to Blogger Beta was fun!
Going through every entry published in the last two years and label them one by one was fun!
It was great that one entry could have more than one label because a lot of the entries were border-line entries. And I didn't want to go crazy with labels.

I changed the layout to "Happy Thoughts". I stole the name from “Dead like me”. “Dead like me” is a fantastic TV show by the way. It is currently shown on SciFi on Tuesdays, 7pm PCT. It is also on DVD, both seasons.
Too bad the show was cancelled when it was first aired on Show Time. I signed the online petition to continue the show. There are already millions of signatures. I wonder if SciFi will pick it up and make new series of the show. I wonder where all the cast members are now....

Anyway, in “Dead like me”, there is one lovely red haired Grim Reaper. Before she takes a person's soul, she raises her camera, smiles brightly and says, "Happy Thoughts!"
Grim reapers live for years and years, centuries and centuries. She saves the pictures of every single person she ever reaped, categorize them and put them in large bags.

To think about it, I am a lot like her. I like to save things, thoughts actually. I especially enjoy categorizing them. It is like saving for retirement. I like to save all the thoughts I ever had growing up and old. When I retire, I will have bags and bags of thoughts and memories to remember my life by. And categorizing makes them that much easier to retrieve. :B

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