Sunday, November 28, 2004

Something Is Seriously Wrong

One Sunday morning, while I was having a lovely brunch with my roommate and her boyfriend in a restaurant in Monterey Park, a group of Chinese walked in. They all wore the same red T-shirts with logos like this:

700Club Posted by Hello

well instead of symbols of man and woman, which belong to public restroom doors anyway. It actually reads: marriage = one man + one woman. It is written in Chinese in the front, english in the back.

Mind you, I was shocked. It was Sunday morning and I was minding my own business, trying to relax and enjoy my food. I NEED NOT see such a statement, epescially not have them staring me right in the face in BOLD. They came in in big groups and all T shirts were in flaming red. It is impossible to not look at them. I was outraged by the intruders. Who are they to tell me what marriage is anyway???

When we are out on the streets, to my horror, I found another group of 10 to 15 people wearing the same T shirt marching on the streets. An organized crime we have!

Since then, I saw the red T shirts on several other occasions. They seriously bother me because
for one, they always appear in groups. Never saw a person wearing that T shirt alone. Cowards! They obviously own the T shirt. Why wouldn't they wear it when they are alone? What are they afraid of? Is it because they somehow know what they are doing is wrong?

The worst part is, they define marriage simply as one man + one woman in such definite and authoritative way. There is no " I believe...". They just wrote down an equation, printed it on T shirts and demonstrate it in public. Considering the fact that we are here in LA, So. Cal, the level of ignorance they have sends shudder through me.

After a little google, I found the genius that created the original logo, which was meant to be a bumper sticker. They are the..(drums)..700 Club!

I also googled out that CafePress created, or simply sells, the counter bumper stickers:

marriageLoveLove Posted by Hello

Good to see some people still believe in having love in a marriage. My eyes are welled up with tears now. haha~~

Update on Nov 30th, 2004:
I came across this T shirt at , while browsing through the wifebeaterbeater T shirts.

MarriageForAll Posted by Hello

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Pure Fiction.

(This story is pure fiction. It'd be my greatest honor if it resembles anyone in anyway.:D )

“這個家是再也呆不下去了.” 萍如一邊這樣想著.一邊走下樓去.

房 東太太的男人,橫躺在沙發上, 不冷不熱的天, 他仍穿著那件半新不舊的男式垮欄背心. 就那樣松松挎挎的搭拉在滾圓的肩上, 難掩滿身的橫肉. 萍如厭惡的轉過頭去. 二十几歲的閨女,還沒興趣參觀老男人的身体. 老男人听到下樓的聲音,抬起頭沖萍如擠眉弄眼地說,” 哦,萍如在家呢. 怎么沒出去玩?” 萍如恩了一聲就進了廚房. “這個家是再也呆不下去了.” 其它种种萍如都可以忍. 只是忍不了這個每天橫躺在自家沙發上的臭男人. 萍如自己很久也沒在起居室呆著過了. 出門回家路過起居室,都是匆匆忙忙的, 頂多恩一聲,算是打個招呼. 當初要搬進來, 房東太太可沒說過她男人會整天跑過來. 萍如自己也沒問. 心想著, 就算來,不過是客人一樣,坐坐,吃吃茶. 萍如再沒想到,房東的男人會如此這般的把這里當成是自己的家,衣杉不整不說,還整天挺尸般的在沙發上躺著.

萍 如邊恨恨的想著邊就進了廚房. “飯還是要吃的.” 狼籍在廚房里的是昨天還是前天的杯盤碗碟. 房東太太看萍如進來, 赶著忙手忙腳的洗起臟碗碟. 并連聲道著歉.房東太太人還是不坏. 偶而她男人回自家, 萍如和房東太太也能相處得不錯. 只是那男人一在, 萍如臉色就禁不住的變難看.

房 東太太也是三十奔四十的人了.因為一直單身的緣故(所以嚴格的說她還是房東小姐), 看起來年輕,差不多三十出頭的樣子.只是衣著都帶著80年代的影子,讓人感覺她好象是從周潤發早期電影里走下來的. 她談吐卻完全沒有時代的印跡, 只是空洞得如一縷青煙, 說過了就沒了, 沒有內容. 沒人記得. 
(To be Continued)

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Good Things In Life

Thanks Frank for pointing out that there are also lots of good things in life. kaka~~ Sometimes I can't see very well with my own eyes, :D sometimes I am dumb like that(see previous post for reference).

Good things that happened today:
1. I got my e-blogger sweat shirt. hehe~ The sleeves are a little too long. But it fits pretty well everywhere else.:D:D
2. Someone called me a nerd coz of my e-blogger sweat shirt.:D:D
3. The farewell lunch went really well. only 16 people said they were coming but I made RSVP for 25. and....what do you know? exactly 25 people turned up. Someone please tell me that I am a genius.
4. My chicken and shrimp fajitas was sooo yummy. hmm...... If I didn't keep getting interrupted by the conversation, I would have finished the whole plate. (I am still not used to talking while eating. My dad uses to give me a scary look when I talk too much at dinner table. guess i am traumatized~~)
5. Rigth before I left work, I got the soundtrack of Garden State from a co-worker, which finished my day beautifully. I played it in the car on the way home. I never thought I would say this. But I wish my commute was longer. Listening to music in the car, with all the street lights and all, can make me feel very emotional.

6. yet to come.....the apprentice2 is ON tonight. tsk tsk tsk...(these are new words i learned today.) Gotta go watch TV now!!

Monday, November 08, 2004

Call Me Mary Jane

I had a strange dream last night. In my dream, everyone calls me MJ.
Yes, it's that MJ, spiderman's girlfriend, MJ.

While I was brushing my teeth this morning, I wasn't sure if it was a dream or everyone really started to call me MJ now until I got to work. "Good morning, Morgan!" I was greeted by a guy in the company parking lot.

so it was a dream!

but what does this dream mean? does it mean I am not happy with who I am and want to be someone else?
This has never happened before! I'v always liked the girl I turned out to be. At least I think I like it.
Maybe I subconsciously want to be that red haired girl who is rescued by spiderman over and over again. or Maybe I just wanna be rescued! Just image! Everytime I fall, Spiderman will show up and pick me right up. Every time I feel confused and lost, Spiderman will help me see the world more clearly with his super power spider eyes. Everytime I am in danger, Spiderman will beat up the bad guys, then hold me in his arm and tell me everything is OK now. Geez!! How great is that?!

now i am a little ashamed of myself. Fancying about spiderman!?!?! I not a 14 year old anymore!
but how come today the sky seems further away than i last remembered.
how come I feel all the strength was drained from my body which left me feeling just as helpless as i was 10 years ago.
how come.....

I don't want to be stronge and independent all the time. Sometimes I wanna be that red haired girl swinging from building to building in the arms of the spiderman. Funny how, after trying so hard, I find myself back to where I started.

Murakami Haruki said, life is like a merry go round going around and around. He says lots of things. This time he might be right.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Sense and Sensibility

shall we follow our hearts or listen to our brains?
shall we do what's right or what makes us happy?
shall we take risks? or play it save?
shall we fight for more? or retreat and be happy with what we already have?

growing up made me realize that there are questions no one can answer for me. i can't go ask my mommy or daddy or any mentor for answers anymore for i realized this is not about finding the right answer. it is about making choices as an individual.

turning 25, i still don't have answers to these questions yet. maybe i will never know. maybe i will never find my path. maybe i will live in regret and always ponder what will happen if i went the other way. maybe i will spend the rest of my life torn between two worlds. who knows~~

shall we keep dreaming?

Here is a quote from a great blog:
when did you give up your dreams? remember, that dream you held so dear?
those wedding plans? that thing that for a while you thought that you just couldn't live without?
but then, you discovered you could...and quite oblivious to ever wanting that in the first place. is that what you call contentment or settling? or is settling a type of contentment? you are a where are your dreams? where are your dreams? was holding on just a little too scary? don't worry or fear....even if you have forgotten, He hasn't.
music playing...boulevard of broken dreams

cheers to 25!